In Service of all those whom I've had the privilege of crossing paths with, I'd like to dedicate this first post to my mentor, co-conspirator and friend Dr. Dorothy E. Siminovitch and in doing so, give you my backstory.
From the moment Dorothy and I crossed paths, I felt a deep affinity towards her and resonated strongly with her Presence and coaching philosophy. Through her own Being Intervention, a new dimension revealed itself to me in terms of my own unique Presence, my own Self. Thus began my transformation, my birthing process to heightened self-awareness.
I fully embraced my multi-dimensionality and, with that, stepped into a new space, a new frontier in service of cross-cultural awareness coaching. I think of Dorothy as my mirror and as a catalyst.
For every moment we spend together ignites in me an innovative thought, a new facet on a theory or coaching practice.
Even in the absence of her Presence, I am grounded.